Storybook Plan

Here is my plan for my storybook! When I was a kid, I read this book that was composed of many smaller stories. They were all related to each other in that each story was a creation story. The stories were simple enough with some being "how the rabbit became so fast," or "why the porcupine got its quills." While they were so simple, they intrigued me. The only limit to these types of stories is the author's imagination and that is what I want to do something similar to that book for my project. 

Throughout my entire pre-college education, I was told not to use wikipedia. It is an unreliable source that can be changed by anyone, right? Wikipedia pages are full of sources which are listed at the bottom of each page. Clicking on these links will lead to reliable articles. There are a ton of creation stories listed on this Wikipedia page and I will be getting my sources from that.

From what I could find, there seems to be a lot of different sections of creation stories. There are stories that tell of gods which created the universe from nothing. I would like to include a story that talks about this topic through the god named Ngai.

Another source I would like to use is from a book titled "In the Beginning: Creation Stories Around the World" by Virginia Hamilton. There are a total of 25 stories in this book, but I am not 100% which ones I want to incorporate into my storybook just yet.

One final topic I would like to include in my story book is an Earth Diver. These are animals sent to earth by god to help in his creation. However, I could not find any specific stories on this topic.

I plan on starting my story book with the creation of the universe. This will be written in a first person perspective from Ngai's perspective because he is the only being at the time. From there I would like to tell the stories of how a few earth divers were created and broaden out from there. Throughout my stories, I would like these earth divers and Ngai to be recurring characters. When Ngai is not present, an earth diver will be.

In my writing, I would like to give off a feeling of belonging. Every creation has a purpose in this universe and I would like to express that in this project. One example of what I could do to incorporate that theme is give a character a feature that seems bad at first, but they come to realize it is far more important than they might have thought.


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