Reading Notes - The Creation of the World

In the beginning of the universe there was nothing. Only darkness. For a long time the darkness grew and grew until it became a single mass which would be called the earth. The Earth Doctor made himself an abiding place out of a creosote bush. After struggling with it for awhile he got it just right. The next thing the Earth Doctor made were insects. Little black ones which made black gum and termites. These bugs worked and worked until the Earth grew into the size it is today. A sky was created to fit over the earth. A spider was created to attach the sky to the earth so it would not shake a wobble. Mountains, water, trees, grass, and weeds were added next. However, the sky was still dark as before so the doctor made ice. This ice was thrown into the sky in all directions until it finally stuck. The moon was made the same way. However, when the sun and moon did not shine, the sky was dark. The doctor added stars and the milky way into the sky so there will always be light. 

Milky Way - Source 

Story Source


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