Time Strategies

Time management has always been a struggle of mine. I find myself procrastinating on a lot of my assignments and I end up doing them the day before they are due. In fact, I am doing that right now as I type up this post. 

The previous sentence and this sentence were typed an hour a part so now I hope you can understand what I mean.

Luckily my chronic procrastination does not affect my grades or coursework in a negative way, and I've learned how to work with it in order to be successful! I am a little concerned about this semester only due to the amount of classes I have. Not including this class, I have 4 other courses that require heavy reading so I am currently figuring out which classes I can sacrifice because there is no way I can do it all.  

Looking in the near future I realized I am going to struggle most with procrastination and being overworked so I read the articles "Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination" and "The Myth of 'Too Busy'". 

- https://lifehacker.com/four-questions-to-help-you-overcome-procrastination-1784833178 

- https://booklaunch.com/the-myth-of-too-busy/

These articles did give me some sound advice and I hope they will help me succeed in all of my courses this semester!
Procrastination - From "Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination"


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